who would have ever thought it would happen?
2 hours waiting for spam. 2 self-loathing, anger-inducing, can't-believe-i am-actually-waiting-for-spam hours.
and then it comes, gets a score of 3.5 and slips right into my inbox without a by-your-leave!
ok let me explain.
yesterday i installed my own mailserver. yes yes, it had everything:
qmail, qmail-pop3d,
bincimap, vpopmail, qmailscanner,
spamassassin, clamav - in short "the works".
and then the craziest thing happened. i had to verify that everything was hunky-dory with my setup and so guess what i needed ..... some spam! and can you believe i got not one piece of junkmail on that sunday evening for 2 straight hours. and then, when it finally comes, all decked up in its grandiose promise of increasing my length and girth, spamassassin takes one cursory glance at it, gives it a score of only 3.5 ( my threshold is 5.0 for junk mail) and sends it skipping off to my INBOX.
darn it! (those were not my exact words, but i am trying to keep this
anyway, i think it's time for
vipul's razor.
more on this later (and for those trying to do something similar - coming soon is a complete guide to a decent debian system - i had the sense to document my every step this time around - so keep that ping coming!)